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Swedish battery developer and manufacturer Northvolt filed for bankruptcy on 12 March. While a bankruptcy trustee now takes over the administration, Sveriges Ingenjörer continues to support its members who are consequently losing their jobs. Support will include unemployment benefits, income insurance, and assistance from Trygghetsrådet (the Job Security Council) – the latter made possible thanks to a collective agreement.
On 12 March, Northvolt submitted its bankruptcy application to the bankruptcy trustee. Sveriges Ingenjörer has approximately 650 members at the company in Stockholm, Västerås, and Skellefteå, who will now most likely lose their jobs.
“This is an incredibly tough announcement for our members, who have worked hard to save the company. For the green transition and Sweden’s competitiveness, it would be devastating if the investments and the expertise gained were not put to use. Europe needs world-class battery manufacturing,” says Ulrika Lindstrand, President of Sveriges Ingenjörer.
Sveriges Ingenjörer will continue to support the members at Northvolt, even though the bankruptcy trustee now handles the details. Thanks to Northvolt's collective agreement, the Job Security Council will also provide financial support, such as unemployment benefits and income insurance. Affected members will receive support, advice, and tailored measures from the Job Security Council to help them transition to new jobs.
Source: Sveriges Ingenjörer
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