Swedish battery developer and manufacturer Northvolt filed for bankruptcy on 12 March. While a bankruptcy trustee now takes over the administration, Sveriges Ingenjörer continues to support its members who are consequently losing their jobs. Support will include unemployment benefits, income insurance, and assistance from Trygghetsrådet (the Job Security Council) – the latter made possible thanks to a collective agreement. 

On 12 March, Northvolt submitted its bankruptcy application to the bankruptcy trustee. Sveriges Ingenjörer has approximately 650 members at the company in Stockholm, Västerås, and Skellefteå, who will now most likely lose their jobs. 

“This is an incredibly tough announcement for our members, who have worked hard to save the company. For the green transition and Sweden’s competitiveness, it would be devastating if the investments and the expertise gained were not put to use. Europe needs world-class battery manufacturing,” says Ulrika Lindstrand, President of Sveriges Ingenjörer

Sveriges Ingenjörer will continue to support the members at Northvolt, even though the bankruptcy trustee now handles the details. Thanks to Northvolt's collective agreement, the Job Security Council will also provide financial support, such as unemployment benefits and income insurance. Affected members will receive support, advice, and tailored measures from the Job Security Council to help them transition to new jobs. 

What happens in a bankruptcy

  • The district court appoints a bankruptcy trustee when a company is declared bankrupt.
  • Typically, the trustee will terminate employees due to a lack of work resulting from the bankruptcy. In this case, you will then be exempt from work.
  • During a bankruptcy, you may be entitled to a state wage guarantee. The bankruptcy trustee decides whether you qualify and how much you may receive.
  • To qualify for the wage guarantee, you must be actively seeking work. If you become unemployed, you should immediately register with Arbetsförmedlingen (the Swedish Public Employment Service). 
  • To receive unemployment benefits, you must be a member of an a-kassa (unemployment insurance fund). Akademikernas a-kassa is Sweden’s largest a-kassa, with 790,000 members. 
  • The maximum unemployment benefit you can claim is 80% of your salary, but the highest compensation per day is 1,200 SEK for the first hundred days and 1,000 SEK per day thereafter. 
  • Income insurance is included for working members of Sveriges Ingenjörer. For those who lose their jobs, the insurance can cover 80% of a monthly salary up to 100,000 SEK per month before tax for 150 days. 
  • The union's income insurance does not cover union members who are not part of Akademikernas a-kassa. 

Source: Sveriges Ingenjörer

What to do now

  1. Register with the Swedish Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen
  2. Apply for benefits through Mina sidor.
  3. Submit an employer certificate (arbetsgivarintyg) for the last 12 months of work. You request the employer certificate from Northvolt. It is important that you do this as soon as possible after the bankruptcy, as it may be difficult to reach someone responsible at the company later.
  4. Submit a copy of your decision on state wage guarantee (beslut om statlig lönegaranti) – You will receive this from the bankruptcy trustee.
  5. Register your bank account for payments at www.swedbank.se/kontoregister.

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