Members of an unemployment fund however, can receive up to 80 percent of their previous salary when between two jobs. Everyone who has a bachelor's degree (150 university credits) or is studying right now aiming for one can join Akademikernas a-kassa. Both entrepreneurs and employees are welcome.

What does it cost?

The fee is SEK 140 a month. The fee is the same for everyone. We can keep it low is because we have many members and a low unemployment rate amongst the members.

Who can join Akademikernas a-kassa?

Everyone who works or has worked in Sweden may join an a-kassa. To join Akademikernas a-kassa you need to be a university graduate.

  • To be eligible to join Akademikernas a-kassa you need at least a bachelor's degree. Foreign university education count too. 
  • If you have studied (or studying right now) at the university, Akademikernas a-kassa is the a-kassa for you. 
  • All types of employment count and you do not have to work in the profession you are qualified in.
  • You do need to have a general work permit to be eligible for membership.

University graduates are working in all different professions and industries. Everyone, regardless of their form of employment*, may join. It is just as important - maybe even more important - that you are a member of an a-kassa when you have a temporary employment.

*Your salary has to be paid by your employer, if you get compensation through Arbetsförmedlingen / Försäkringskassan it doesn’t count as an employment.

Membership application - click here

All entrepreneurs and self-employees

It's actually almost 50 years since self-employees also were entitled to join an a-kassa. Many university graduates choose to go their own way and start a business. Should the company not be profitable, you can get the same remuneration as employees if you loose your job. A good thing when starting a business and it does not go as you imagined is that the remuneration can be based on the income of the job you had before. This applies if you become unemployed within 24 months of termination of employment.

All working university students

If you are working and studying aiming for a bachelor's degree (150 Swedish university credits) you can join us. If you work extra during your studies, we recommend that you join us one year before the studies end. In order to be able to receive compensation based on the salary, you must have been a member for 12 months.

Membership application without BankID

Do you have a foreign university education?

If your foreign university education corresponds to at least a Swedish bachelor's degree, you can of course join us. Not sure? Give us a call and we can check if it meets our requirements.

No education but an academic profession?

Akademikernas a-kassa may still be the right unemployment fund for you even if you don't have a traditional academic education. If you hold a position normally maintained by a person who has an academic education you can still be eligible for membership. Read more here

Already member in an a-kassa?

If you meet our academic requirements you can easily change to us. We will arrange the practicalities.

Apply for membership here

How much can I get?

It depends on how long you have been and how much you earned. The maximum benefit that is paid out is SEK 26,400 a month before tax.

More about the benefits

Join the union too! (But don't forget us. Without a-kassa - no additional income insurance)

Don't have BankID, personnummer or samordningsnummer?

Please fill in and email this application (pdf) to While email is our preferred option, you can also print and post your application to: Akademikernas a-kassa, FE 55, 930 88 Arjeplog

Application form (pdf)

Inlägg från vårt forum

In English

Can I apply for a-kassa when start working?


Can I get a-kassa and study at the same time?

Pay membership fee some months in advance

Longer qualification time than 12 months