Members of an unemployment fund can receive up to 80 percent of their previous salary when between two jobs. Everyone who has a bachelor's degree (150 university credits) or is studying right now aiming for one can join Akademikernas a-kassa. Both entrepreneurs and employees are welcome. You do need to have a general work permit to be eligable for membership.

What does it cost?

The fee is SEK 140 a month. The fee is the same for everyone. We can keep it low is because we have many members and a low unemployment rate amongst the members.

Who can join?

To be eligable to join Akademikernas a-kassa you need a bachelor's degree, study right now or have an academic profession. You have to have worked at some point in  Sweden - all types of employments count. You do need to have a general work permit. Read more

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Apply for membership and benefits

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I want to apply for membership

I have lived in Sweden

I have lived in the EU / EEA and am moving to Sweden

Apply for membership to insure your income in Sweden. Do it as soon as you know you are about to move to Sweden and we will help you from which date you should become a member. You can become a member the same month you start working in Sweden. Read more.

I have lived and worked in a country outside the EU / EEA

In order to become a member, you need to have worked at least one hour in Sweden. This may also have been done before the stay abroad. Submit your application and we will help you. Read more.

Apply now

I want to apply for membership and benefits

I have lived and worked in Sweden

If you have both lived and worked in Sweden, you must start by applying for membership. As soon as the membership is approved, you can apply for benefits. Membership always starts on the 1st of the month. Call us for more information at 08-412 33 00. Read more about the benefits

I have lived and worked in an EU/EEA country

If you have both lived and worked within the EU/EEA or Switzerland and want to apply for unemployment benefits in Sweden. Read more.

I have lived in Sweden, but worked in another country

If you lived in Sweden full- or part-time and worked in another country. Read more

I have worked in two countries in the last year

If you last worked in Sweden, but during the last year also worked in the EU/EEA or Switzerland. Read more.


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