We have translated and explained some of the Swedish words that you may come across as unemployed in Sweden. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!
Arbetsgivarintyg: Work certificate
A form where your employer states the details of your previous job. Your unemployment benefit will mainly be based upon the information stated on this form.
Tjänstgöringsintyg: Certification of employment
Written confirmation of your employment. This kind of certificate cannot be used to calculate your unemployment benefit.
Aktivitetsrapport: Activity report
A report where you register your job seeking activities. You need to send the report to Arbetsförmedlingen between the 1st and 14th of every month.
Mina sidor: My pages
Where you can submit your application and time reports if you have access to BankID.
Försäkringskassan: Social insurance office
The government agency responsible for a large part of the social security systems in Sweden. For example sickness benefit, child allowance, parental benefit and activity grant.
Föräldrapenning: Parental benefit
Parental benefit is paid by Försäkringskassan.
Sjukpenning: Sickness benefit
Sickness benefit is paid by Försäkringskassan.
Aktivitetsstöd: Activity grant
Activity grant is paid by Försäkringskassan when you participate in a labour market training program through Arbetsförmedlingen.
Arbetsförmedlingen: Job Center
Arbetsförmedlingen is the Swedish Public Employment Service where you need to register as a jobseeker on your first day of unemployment in order to be eligible for unemployment benefit.
Tidrapport: Timesheet
The tidrapport is your formal application for the unemployment benefits. The timesheet covers a week.
Ramtid: Time frame period
The unemployment benefit is always calculated on twelve months. Normally it is the twelve months before you register at arbetsförmedlingen as unemployed, but the ramtid can be prolonged with periods of fulltime studies, fulltime parental leave or fulltime sickness leave.
Normalarbetstid: Your average working hours
This is based on a time frame period (ramtid) of twelve months.
Normalinkomst: Your average income
This is based on a time frame period of twelve months.
BankID: Electronic identification
BankID (e-legitimation) is used both for identification as well as signing transactions and documents electronically. This service includes online banking, tax declaration and can be applied to government, municipality, banks and companies. BankID is verified and issued through your bank and is available on smart card, soft certificate as well as mobile phones, iPad and tablets.
Karens: Qualifying period
Each benefit period is preceded by seven qualifying days, for which you cannot receive the benefit. For the qualifying days to be deducted, you need to be unemployed and registered with arbetsförmedlingen. The qualifying days are not deducted unless you send in your time report.
Avstängningsdagar: Suspension
If you quit your job on your own demand or otherwise cause your own unemployment, you normally become suspended from benefit during 45 benefit days. During the suspension period you will not receive unemployment benefit. If you mismanage your jobseeking or prolong your unemployment by for instance turning down a job offer, you may also be suspended from benefit.
Deltidsdagar: Limited number of weeks working part time
The number of days for which you can receive the benefit while working part time is limited to 60 weeks. More information
Inkomstförsäkring: Income insurance
The unemployment insurance covers up to 80 % of an average salary of SEK 25 025. If your salary is higher than that, an income insurance can cover the gap between what you can receive from your unemployment fund and up to 80 % of your salary. Trade unions and insurance companies are usually the ones providing income insurances. Unemployment funds do not offer income Insurances.