If you are unemployed and receive pension payments, these payments must be coordinated. This means the pension amount will be deducted from your unemployment benefits. You must send us your pension decision because the coordination does not happen automatically.

Membership and benefits end at age 66

Your membership with us will automatically end on the last day of the month before you turn 66.
If you retire earlier, you can terminate your membership by filling out this form. Many people choose to stop paying the fee, but this will result in reminders being sent. It’s better to cancel directly—there is no notice period.
If you are unemployed when your membership ends, your entitlement to benefits will cease at the same time.

Submit your pension decision

If you are unemployed and entitled to a pension or pension-like benefits, you must send us a copy of your pension decision. Also, report any changes to the pension amount immediately. You can upload it in My Pages or send it by post.

Pension coordination for payments received

If you withdraw your pension before your 65th birthday, or 66th birthday starting in 2023, it must be coordinated with your unemployment benefits. By "pension," we mean occupational pension, income pension, premium pension, and in some cases, supplementary pension.

Business owners’ pension savings count as occupational pension

If you are self-employed and have taken out a private pension insurance policy and deducted it in your business tax return, it is considered an occupational pension.