Holiday for those who work part-time and get unemployment benefit

It is summer and holiday season for many now. If you have a part-time employment, we would like to inform you about how the unemployment benefits are affected when you are on vacation "semester" from a part-time job. The purpose is for you to be prepared for what might happen to your unemployment benefits.

You are not unemployed when you are on vacation

When you are on vacation, you are not considered unemployed and therefore not entitled to unemployment benefits for days or periods that you are on vacation.

Vacation - full days and consecutive periods

What counts as vacation when you are unemployed? The starting point is the Annual Leave Act (semesterlagen), which ensures that employees are entitled to consecutive leave for the purpose of rest and recreation. According to the Annual Leave Act, vacation days are always counted as full days. Moreover, during longer periods of vacation, work-free days in between the days you would have worked if you had not been on vacation are also included in the vacation period.

Similarly, we count vacation days as full days and during longer periods of vacation, work-free days in between are also counted as vacation.

Tick in "semester" on the timesheet throughout the entire vacation period

When you are on vacation, you should report that on your timesheet. If you have unemployed days in between your vacation, they should be reported as "semester". This means that you do not receive part-time unemployment benefits when you are on vacation from your part-time employment.

Contact the a-kassa

Please contact us if you are unsure how to report your time when you are on holiday.


Kalle normally works on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. He is on vacation those days this week. On the timesheet (tidrapport) he should report his 60% employment and tick in “semester” (vacation) every day (Monday to Friday).


Aniek normally works on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. She is on vacation during Tuesday and Thursday this week but works as usual on Wednesday. Aniek should report her 60% employment on the timesheet and tick in “semester” on Tuesday and Thursday.


Josefin works on an hourly basis and is scheduled to work every Wednesday and Thursday. This Thursday she has one day of vacation. Josefin should report the number of hours she worked on Wednesday and tick in “semester” on Thursday.