Apply for benefits

It is very important that you register with arbetsförmedlingen on the first day of your unemployment. To apply for benefits you then need to send certificates regarding your work and/or the activities you have had during the last twelve months to Akademikernas a-kassa. For the benefits to be paid out you need to fill in the timesheet (tidrapport) in Mina Sidor. To be eligable for benefits you need to live and look for work in Sweden and have a general work permit.

New law 1 October 2025

Conditions for benefits based on income

  1. Registered at arbetsförmedlingen You can only receive benefits when you are registered at the arbetsförmedling.
  2. Meet the work requirement Worked at least 6 months, 60 hours per month in the past year.
  3. Meet the membership condition Been a member for at least 12 months. If you have been a member for a shorter time, you can receive a lower basic allowance.

More about the conditions   

What did you do last year?

membership icon aea

Employed in Sweden

membership icon aea

Self-employed in Sweden

membership icon aea

PhD and Post doc

PhD and Post doc

Have you worked abroad?

I have lived in Sweden and commuted daily or weekly to a neighboring country

Are you unemployed full-time?

  • Apply for membership in Akademikernas a-kassa (if you have not kept the membership).
  • Fill in the forms Sök ersättning and Bosättningsstat.

Once we have received your application documents, we will contact you if we need more information.

Are you unemployed part-time?

Apply for benefits in the country you have worked in.

Read more

I have my permanent residence in Sweden, but have not returned from EU / EEA regularly

Have you maintained your permanent residence in Sweden but have not returned to Sweden on a daily or weekly basis? If you have now chosen to return to Sweden and look for work here, you should:

Once we have received your application documents, we will contact you if we need more information.

I have lived and worked within the EU / EEA

  • You need to work in Sweden in order for us to be able to base your benefits on your work abroad.
  • You also need to have worked in Sweden at some point to be able to become a member of Akademikernas a-kassa.

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I have been posted within the EU / EEA with certificate A1

If you have been seconded by your Swedish employer with certificate A1 from the Försäkringskassan, you must send in a copy of the certificate together with the forms Sök ersättning and Bosättningsstat. 

I have been seconded by my Swedish employer

If you have worked abroad for a Swedish employer, which is based in Sweden, and if your salary has been paid from Sweden, we equate this work with work in Sweden. 

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I have worked outside the EU / EEA for a foreign employer

Work outside the EU / EEA cannot be counted as a basis for benefits.

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SEK 1,200 and 300 days

A benefits period is 300 days long and it always starts with two waiting days. You receive at most five days per week and the maximum benefits paid is SEK 1,200 before tax per day (SEK 26,400 per month before taxes). 

It is possible to combine work and benefits for 60 weeks. If you have children under 18, the period is automatically extended by 150 days.

Report your time every week

Fill out a timesheet every week in Mina sidor. Read more

During unemployment

Send us your timesheet every week, send arbetsföremdlingen an activity report every month. Read more

Extra income insurance via your trade union?

How to apply